Holidays are Coming!

Holidays are Coming!

It’s hard to believe that the holidays are approaching; thus, we wish you and your family a wonderful holiday season…one that is also safe and secure!

During this time of year, we unfortunately see an increase in home, auto and mail theft. Many of you have been proactive with heightened vigilance in locking doors and keeping cars in your garages, as well as the use of surveillance alarm systems, such as front door cameras. These measures help to keep Peregrine crime rates low, especially when compared to the surrounding area. But, as you know, complacency is our worst enemy.  And so, here are a few extra tips:

  1. Be Actively Aware – Please be on the lookout for prowlers, whether on foot or in suspicious vehicles. As the old adage goes, “If you see something, say something”. Be sure to alert your neighbors and call the CSPD non-emergency report number 719-444-7000. If you deem there is a real imminent threat to life or property, dial 911.
  2. Check and Double Check – Check your surveillance systems and be sure they are in working order by testing them. Now is a good time to re-familiarize yourself with your systems to be sure you know how to use them to your best advantage. If you have an alarm system or service, be sure to engage it when away and be sure to lock your doors.
  3. No Puffing – Never start your vehicle and leave it running without a driver at the wheel. Such a situation is dangerous and your vehicle becomes a lucrative target. Plus, there is further danger of having someone steal your garage door opener for easy entry into your garage and home next time you’re away.
  4. Track Your Packages – sign-up for mail tracking so you know exactly when packages are delivered. This will allow you to be home for deliveries or arrange for a neighbor to retrieve a package for you so it doesn’t sit on your porch for an extended period of time. This should help to reduce mail and package theft.

For more detailed information when you’re away on extended trips, check out the Peregrine Aware door hanger which was distributed at our Annual meetings. If you need one, please go to and request one using the contact form.

Together, we all can do our part to keep Peregrine safe and secure over the coming holidays!

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