Peregrine Newsletter – June 2021

Peregrine Newsletter – June 2021

Peregrine Newsletter – June 2021

Welcome to our Peregrine Newsletter! Our goal is to provide general neighborhood information and updates that will help build our Peregrine community.

In this newsletter you will find:
– Peregrine Tree Celebration – Exploring Our Urban Forest Presentation
– Community Event – Garage Sale – June 4 & 5
– Safety & Security Tips – Fire hydrant maintenance
– Covenant Committee – Check those trees!
– Board Meeting Information – June meeting info & May board mtg minutes
– Upcoming Important Dates

You can find further information on our Peregrine Master Association website.

Check us out socially on Instagram and Facebook.

Peregrine Tree Celebration

Exploring Our Urban Forest Presentation
When:  Saturday, June 12th, 10:00 to 11:30 am.
Where: Meet at the Woodmen Valley Park Playground Entrance
Join UCCS Geography and Environmental Studies Professor Christine Biermann to learn about the native trees and forest ecosystems of Colorado Springs.

We will go for a short walk while we learn about how our forests are being impacted by climate change, drought, insect outbreaks, and wildfire. This is a walk for all ages; young children to older adults.

Check out all of the fun events we have planned during the Peregrine Tree Celebration Program.

– “Exploring Our Urban Forest” Presentation – Saturday, June 12 – 10am – Woodmen Valley Park
– Tree Appreciation Hiking Series – July 21, August 11, September 4
– ARC Expedited Tree Planting Form

Read more about the COS 150 Tree Challenge and check out pictures from our Community Tree Planting Kickoff event @HOAPeregrine on both Facebook and Instagram.

Peregrine Community Event

Garage Sale – June 4 & 5 – 8am – 3pm

Back by popular demand: The Peregrine Community-wide Garage Sale!

The event returns this Friday, June 4th and Saturday, June 5th from 8 a.m – 3 p.m. both days. Residents are responsible for any personal signage to direct buyers to your home. Please remove all personal signage by Saturday evening.

Safety & Security Tips

Fire Hydrant Maintenance
Did you know that each fire hydrant is colored to provide vital information when firefighters arrive on scene?  The fire department uses the specific color located on the top and front of each hydrant to identify how many gallons per minute the hydrant is capable of producing. This will aid in the decision making of the operation in the event of a house or wildland fire. This is the quickest way to recognize the available water to use in an emergency.

Thus, the ‘look’ of fire hydrants is critical in quickly fighting fires. We, as a community, want to better assist Colorado Springs Utilities by identifying hydrants that need maintenance, or just a fresh coat of paint.

Take a look at the closest hydrants to your house or ones that you may see throughout the neighborhood. If they appear to be in need of maintenance, please email Steve Garcia with the location and general description of the disrepair. We will compile a complete list to provide to the City for maintenance.

Let’s work together to maintain our fire hydrants and keep our  community safe this season!

Covenant Compliance Committee

Proactive Maintenance
Last year, numerous trees in our neighborhood were killed by drastic changes in weather. Looking at your yard, you may notice your trees suffered from this issue. Now is the time to remove dead trees/limbs from your yard. A portion of our Rules & Regulations addresses owner’s responsibilities for tree maintenance on our property. You can view this portion of the governing document on page 21 – B. Owner Responsibility PC’s, Article I, Section 104.

We are consistently assessing the life of our neighborhood trees and making recommendations to owners about removing those that are dead. If you received a letter previously regarding a dead tree in your yard, and were monitoring its growth during the past year, please provide an update on your tree’s health to Derek Patterson at Z&R Management. Trees that were being monitored will be re-assessed during the month of June.

If you notice a tree in your yard that needs removal, you can replace your tree as part of the Peregrine Tree Celebration and add your tree to the list of newly planted trees in the City of Colorado Springs. We have created an ARC Expedited Tree Planting Approval Form for those interested in participating.

Also, with our recent wet season, noxious weeds are growing faster than normal in common areas and residential yards. These weeds can be very invasive and difficult to identify. Check out this information regarding the most common Noxious Weeds found in Peregrine.

Please contact Derek Patterson if you have any questions.

Thank you for keeping Peregrine beautiful!

Peregrine Master Association Board Meeting

Join us for June’s Board Meeting: WEDNESDAY, JUNE 9 at 6pm 
June Agenda and May Meeting Minutes can be found online at Board Meetings.

Upcoming Dates/Information

– June 4/5 – Peregrine Community Garage Sale
– June 9 – Board Meeting – 6pm
– June 12 – “Exploring Our Urban Forest” Presentation – 10am – Woodmen Valley Park
– July 21 – Woodmen Valley Park Family Hike
– July 24 – Cinema in the Park

If you have suggestions or want to help, please email Michelle McArthur, our Social Events Committee Chair.

See all Peregrine Events here

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(719) 471-1703 

RowCal Management

c/o Derek Patterson

3720 Sinton Road, #200

Colorado Springs, CO 80907

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