Peregrine Newsletter – March 2021

Peregrine Newsletter – March 2021

Peregrine Newsletter – March 2021

Within each Peregrine Newsletter you will find general neighborhood information and updates that will help build our Peregrine community.

In this newsletter you will find:

– **New Event** – Peregrine Egg Decorating Contest
– Neighborhood Committee Updates – Architectural Review Committee (ARC) Process
– Safety & Security Tips – Personal Fire Mitigation Strategies
– Board Meeting Information – March Board Mtg Minutes Available
– Community Support – Supporting the Mountain Shadows Community Association
 Upcoming Important Dates

You can find further information on our Peregrine Master Association website.
Or check us out socially on Instagram and Facebook.

Peregrine Egg Decorating Contest

March 27 – April 7


Tis the season! It’s time to have some fun and show off your child’s artistic talents! The HOA is sponsoring an egg decorating contest! Neighborhood kids should decorate an egg and email their photo entry from March 27-April 7.

Three prizes per age group will be awarded, plus an overall winner. The age groups are 2-5 years, 6-9 years, and 10-12 years.

Please email your photo entry to Michelle McArthur and include your child’s name and age, family name, address and parent contact information All photos received will be posted to the Peregrine gallery. The contest will be judged by 3-4 local residents and results will be announced April 14.

If you have any questions, please contact Michelle McArthur at

Check out the Peregrine Egg Gallery!

Architectural Review Committee

Understanding the Process

Spring and summer are the most common times to begin home improvement projects. From new landscaping, deck upgrades, and exterior paint, the warmer temperatures inspire residents to tackle projects they’ve been thinking about all winter. If you have your list of spring improvements planned, submit your ideas to the Architectural Review Committee (ARC) for early approval.

The ARC is a committee comprised of the property manager, Derek Patterson, and community members that reviews changes to the exterior of the home or landscaping. This committee reviews requests that relate to items in our covenants.

Take a look at our recent blog post, ARC Process, to better understand the planning process for your next home improvement!

Are you ready to submit a request? Here’s the form! ARC Submittal Form.

Safety & Security Tips

Personal Fire Mitigation Strategies

Spring is just around the corner!! That means sunshine, blue skies and warm weather. As we prepare for the much-anticipated spring and summer months, there are a few fire mitigation topics to consider. One of the main safety issues that faces our community is the threat of wildfire. We are asking all homeowners to assess your property for potential threats and look for ways to mitigate your property.

The Colorado Springs Fire Department will be offering two chipping events this year. The first event is the week of May 17th and the second will be the week of September 20th.

In order to participate, you must meet certain requirements and follow the guidelines set forth by CSFD. To learn about these requirements and to register your address, go to Neighborhood Chipping Program. If you are unsure of what wildfire issues to look for or how to participate in the chipping program, please call Adam Wisely with the Colorado Springs Fire Department at 719-385-7368. They are willing to set an appointment for a free onsite consultation. This is a great service to consider to make sure you are following the guidelines and to ensure they are able to collect your chipping piles.

Check out our recent blog post on Spring Fire Mitigation and Tips.

Peregrine Master Association Board Meeting

April’s Board Meeting will be held on
WEDNESDAY, APRIL 14 at 6pm via Zoom.
Agenda & link will be emailed 1 week prior to the meeting.

Check out the March Board Meeting Minutes here.

Community Support

Mountain Shadows Community Association

Many of you have heard about the 2424 Garden of the Gods rezoning project. It is a hot topic concerning the west side of Colorado Springs and would impact neighboring communities, such as Mountain Shadows. Their Association has coordinated an extensive effort to challenge this project and has worked to raise awareness and concerns to the Colorado Springs Planning Commission and the City Council. Several Peregrine residents reached out to the Board to inquire about our role in this process. You can read our Letter of Support to the Mountain Shadows Community Association.

As of March 18, the Commissioners voted in favor of the project by a vote of 4-3. It now moves to the City Council and will be voted on by the new council members that will be elected on April 6.

Upcoming Dates/Information

– March 27 – April 7 – Peregrine Egg Decorating Contest
– April 14 – Board Meeting – 6pm – via Zoom
– May 12 – Board Meeting – 6pm – via Zoom
– May 17 (week of) – Peregrine’s 1st Neighborhood Chipping Event

We have planned social activities for 2021, but all events will be monitored closely given the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. First and foremost, our priority is to keep our community safe. We will monitor El Paso County Health Department protocols and make decisions accordingly. If you have suggestions or want to help, please email Michelle McArthur, our Social Events Committee Chair.

See all Peregrine Events here

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(719) 471-1703 

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c/o Derek Patterson

3630 Sinton Road, #300

Colorado Springs, CO 80907

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