Peregrine Newsletter – March 2022

Peregrine Newsletter – March 2022

Peregrine Newsletter – March 2022

Welcome to our March 2022 Peregrine Newsletter! Our goal is to provide general neighborhood information and updates that will help build our Peregrine community.

In this newsletter you will find:– Community Events – The return of the Peregrine Egg Hunt– Safety & Security Update – The importance of reporting– Fire Mitigation  Smart Construction and Wildfire Mitigation– Event Sponsorships – Highlighting resident businesses– 2022 Board Meetings – Next meeting on Apr. 13– 2022 Association Disclosures– Upcoming Important Dates You can find further information on our Peregrine Master Association website.

Check us out socially on Instagram and Facebook.

Community Events

Peregrine Egg Hunt

We are very excited to announce the return of the Peregrine Egg Hunt at Woodmen Valley Park! We look forward to gathering with our community of friends and neighbors while hunting for eggs filled with goodies for the kids. Mark your calendars!WHAT: Peregrine Egg HuntWHO: Peregrine Residents ages 0-12 yearsWHEN: April 9, 2022 at 9 a.m.WHERE: Woodmen Valley ParkHOW: Please RSVP for this event by indicating your home address, family name and number of children participating. If you’re interested in volunteering, we would appreciate help with this event. Please SIGN-UP to help make this event possible.See you soon!

Safety & Security Update

The Importance of Reporting

As part of the Neighborhood Watch Program, the CSPD Crime Prevention Program focuses on providing citizens and businesses with tips on how to prevent becoming a victim of a crime.

Officer Chris Ausec is the officer assigned to the Peregrine community and he is dedicated to:

  • Reducing crime and the fear of crime
  • Increasing the knowledge of citizens in providing “pro-active” crime prevention strategies
  • Encouraging and training citizens in neighborhood watch activities
  • Training the community in a wide array of crime prevention approaches & techniques
  • Providing home and business security checks

A topic that continues to arise is the importance of reporting all crimes, whether big or small in severity. This can be done in several ways:– For immediate situations, call 9-1-1. Stop a crime, report a fire, save a life. – For non-emergency situations, call (719) 444-7000. – For non-emergency issues, you can also Report a Crime Online. This site will clearly outline the details of what and how to report. Reporting all incidents, big or small, provides valuable data to CSPD. They use this data to track crime patterns, identify hot spots and further protect our community. Without this data, they are unaware of the issues in our neighborhood and aren’t able to provide resources that we feel may be necessary. Additionally, the small crimes we experience now, may grow into large crimes in the future if not addressed. We encourage you to ‘See Something, Say Something’ and report all incidents to CSPD. This is our first step as a community to help in the process. The Peregrine HOA is re-establishing the Neighborhood Watch program. If you’re interested in volunteering for this group, please contact Steve Garcia for more information.

Peregrine Fire MitigationSmart Construction & Wildfire Mitigation

While we do not have much new construction happening in Peregrine, we felt this was great information to share with our community in case you are planning to remodel or need to address structural issues in your home. An excerpt from the Ignition Resistant Construction Design Manual:Many people enjoy the opportunity to reside within the Wildland Urban Interface (WUI) areas of this community as a way to embrace the beauty of nature and wildlife, while still having the convenience of city living. However, what most people don’t realize when they move into the WUI areas of this community, is that they have chosen to reside in one of the largest WUI zones in the entire country. In fact, there are roughly 35,115 parcels in the WUI and roughly 31,535 of those parcels are residential lots or addresses that have been identified as at-risk of wildfire in Colorado Springs. As a result of the Waldo Canyon Fire and the disastrous outcomes that were experienced, the Colorado Springs Fire Department, in partnership with the Colorado Springs Housing and Building Association (HBA), collaborated to address some critical issues in house design and construction. The Colorado Springs Fire Department has written this manual – Ignition Resistant Construction Design Manual – with the goal of reasonable design that will improve the odds of a home surviving a wildfire event with little or no firefighter intervention.If you have any questions or concerns regarding fire mitigation within Peregrine, please contact Steve Garcia, Safety & Security Committee Lead.

Event SponsorshipsHighlighting Resident Businesses

Do you own a business that you’d like to highlight to the community? We want to provide an opportunity for Peregrine residents to sponsor community events. Annually, we offer:
April – Community Egg HuntJune – Music in the ParkAugust – Movie in the ParkNovember – Turkey Trot
Would any of these coincide with your prime marketing seasons? Or maybe you just have an event you particularly like? No reason necessary; we have many sponsorship opportunities available and would love to work with you! Please contact Michelle McArthur if you’re interested in learning more about our events and how you can get involved.

Board Meetings and MinutesInformation Available Online

The Peregrine Master Association Board of Directors meets monthly to discuss important issues affecting our community. Our meetings begin at 6 p.m. and occur at Fire Station 18, 6830 Hadler View. Every meeting begins with an Owner’s Forum where residents are provided time to raise issues or concerns within the neighborhood. Residents are always welcome and are greatly encouraged to attend meetings and to get involved in our committees. Our Board Meeting Dates have been scheduled monthly for 2022. Within two weeks of each meeting, Board Meeting Minutes are available online for your to review. Our next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, Apr. 13 at 6 p.m. Snacks and refreshments will be served. Come join us and get involved!

Please review the Peregrine Master Association’s 2022 Disclosures, also found on our website on the “About the HOA” page.

Do you have suggestions for content? We would lov

Upcoming Dates/InformationSave the Date

 Apr. 9, 2022 – Peregrine Community Egg Hunt – 9 a.m. – Woodmen Valley Park Apr. 13, 2022 – April Board Meeting – 6 p.m. – Fire Station 18, 6830 Hadler View – May 23 – June 5 – Neighborhood Chipping Event #1 June 3-4, 2022 – Peregrine Community Garage Sale– July 15, 2022 – Movie in the Park – Dusk – Woodmen Valley Park – Aug. 5, 2022 – Music in the Park – 6:30 p.m. – Woodmen Valley ParkSee all Peregrine Events here

Do you have suggestions for content? We would love your feedback!
Please contact Lindsay Fenton with ideas.

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