Peregrine Newsletter – March 2023

Peregrine Newsletter – March 2023

Peregrine Newsletter – March 2023

April 1, 2022

Welcome to 2023 in Peregrine!  As a resident of our premier mountainside community, I hope you take a few minutes of your day to enjoy the surroundings in which we live.  Whether you’ve lived here for a week or 30 years, the Ponderosa pines and the mountain views do not disappoint.  This year, the Board has established new events while re-working some favorites, added new landscaping objectives, and continues to monitor our fiscal path to secure our community for years to come.  But the most important aspect of our community is our residents!  Please get involved in our community.  We would love to see you at a board meeting or event or hear from you.  We hope you meet a new neighbor, help where you can, and enjoy our surroundings.


The Peregrine Master Association Board


Policy Updates

New Colorado state laws were passed in 2022 regarding homeowner associations to modify some of the PMA’s policies during the past few months.  The updated policies are available on our website.  The updates align our governing documents with the new laws governing the relationship between HOAs and homeowners, notably new procedures for warning letters, fines, and public meeting protocols.  If you have any questions, please reach out to President Kristen Petersen at

 Flock Security System Installed and Operational

The PMA installed Flock Security cameras installed at the entrances and exits to the neighborhood.  These cameras capture and maintain the license plates of anyone entering or leaving the neighborhood.  The goal of these cameras is to reduce criminal activity in our neighborhood by providing a tool to assist in investigations of any crimes that occur.  Colorado Springs Police Department (CSPD) is familiar with this system and may request access to the system if a crime occurs in our neighborhood.  If a “wanted” vehicle enters the neighborhood, the system will automatically alert the CSPD.  The PMA is continuing to coordinate and support CSPD private patrols each week as well.  According to CSPD, Peregrine is one of the safest neighborhoods in the City.  If you see a crime in progress or would like to report a crime, please contact CSPD.  While their response times may be long, they will log the information and use that data to shape future patrol schedules.  Any information you provide is important.


Peregrine Egg Hunt – Date Change

The date for the egg hunt is now Saturday, April 8, at Woodmen Valley Park.  Ages 0-7 will have a traditional hunt that begins at 9:00 AM.  Ages 8-12 can participate in a geocaching hunt that begins at 9:30 AM.  We will have approximately 2,000 eggs available for the two groups to find.  A cell phone or compass is required for the geocaching hunt.  All egg hunts will be at Woodmen Valley Park.  Please arrive no earlier than 10 minutes prior to the start time of the egg hunt, and remember to bring a basket or bag to collect eggs!  We are always looking for volunteers, so please contact Michelle McArthur ( if you would like to help!

 Monthly Food Truck Nights April – October 2023

Peregrine hosted its first Food Truck Night in October at Woodmen Valley Park.  Residents enjoyed the Solsage food truck in the cool weather.  The HOA is excited to organize a food truck night each month beginning in April and running through October.  Bring your neighbors, friends, and others to visit a different food truck at Woodmen Valley Park on the third Wednesday of each month.  Look for more information about which trucks will be arriving and when they will serve food (usually 6:00 PM).  This is an easy dinner option and a great way to meet new friends in the neighborhood!  The first food truck scheduled for the season is El Chapin Mexican Food from 6:00 PM-8:30 PM on April 5, 2022.


Xeriscaping Project and Informational Field Trip

During the 2022 PMA Annual Meeting, a Colorado Springs Utilities Xeriscape specialist presented information about the impact of xeriscaping on both the beauty of our yards and homeowners’ water bills.  She highlighted the value of using native plants and grasses that bloom throughout the seasons.  This year, the PMA will continue building on this idea by planning a small xeriscape garden near the “Community Tree” at the corner of W. Woodmen and Kittridge.  This area will be used as a community demonstration garden to feature xeriscape planting options.  While the project will start small, we hope to incrementally increase the use of xeriscape in some common areas to reduce our water consumption and costs over time.

As part of the xeriscape effort, we are working to coordinate a neighborhood visit to the Colorado Springs Xeriscape Demonstration Garden on Mesa Rd. Look for information to follow regarding this opportunity for homeowners in our community to tour the garden with a specialist and learn about the possibilities firsthand.  Please remember that all exterior updates, including new yard plans, should be submitted to Derek Patterson, our property manager, prior to implementation.


Wildfire Mitigation and Chipping Program

As a Fire Wise Community, Peregrine will again participate in two chipping opportunities in 2023.  Please look for the dates to be released soon.  This is an excellent opportunity to clear your property of overgrowth and reduce potential fuel during a wildfire event.  Sign-up and other information will be available soon.  This year, the Board allocated $10,000 toward fire mitigation, and last year the HOA was the recipient of a matching grant from the City of Colorado Springs that supported mitigation throughout the common areas scattered behind homes in four designated areas.  The Board hopes to plan another mitigation project in 2023 and will again apply for matching funds.  As part of our effort to reduce potential fuel, several dead trees that fell victim to pine beetles have been removed from a Common Area Track near Orchard Path and Orchard Valley roads. About 400 other trees will also be sprayed for beetles.  All this work is on HOA property.  It is important to note that the HOA owns 72 acres of common areas throughout our community and is working to maintain and support best forest practices.


Blodgett Open Space Community Meetings

The City of Colorado Springs purchased the property just south of Blodgett Open Space to add to this beautiful park.  The City will hold public meetings in the coming months to determine future use options for the newer portion of this park, as well as to assess neighborhood impacts and concerns.  We will alert residents to these meetings and urge participation in the public process of defining the future of this land.  Peregrine residents consistently rank outdoor recreation access and the beauty of this area as one of the top reasons for choosing to live in Peregrine.  Look for more information on how you can participate.

Paving Projects to Begin in Spring 2023

In 2021, the Colorado Springs City Streets Division attended our Annual Meeting and told the neighborhood that our ancillary streets would be paved.  Unfortunately, due to contractor issues with the City and budgetary constraints, our streets were not paved in 2022.  However, the street paving project for ancillary streets is scheduled to begin in spring 2023.  If you reside on a street that will be paved, the City will notify you before beginning work on your street.  Some streets will require updates or sidewalk modifications that will occur before street paving begins.  Full information about the project will be available soon.


Neighborhood Watch Update

CSPD Officer Chris Ausec will present information about our Neighborhood Watch and Block Captain programs during our regular board meeting on Wednesday, May 10, at 6:00 PM. at Fire Station 18.  Officer Ausec will be answering questions from the community and distributing information.  The regular monthly board meeting will commence after his presentation.  All Peregrine residents are encouraged to attend and learn more about the programs.


Friends of Peregrine Parks Group

While the snow may still be on the ground, spring and summer are just around the corner.  If you are looking for a great way to connect with neighbors and work on community projects, consider joining the Friends of Peregrine Parks.  As a City-recognized organization, the Friends group works diligently to coordinate park improvement projects in all three city parks within Peregrine (Blodgett, Woodmen Valley, and Sprague).  If your teenager needs community service hours, or you just want to make new friends who love the outdoors, this group is for you!  Sign up by contacting Gary Moring, the Friend’s Group president, at to be added to the mailing list.  See you at the park!

Also, the Friends of Peregrine Parks Group has again been invited to participate in a three-day work project with two other Friends groups on the weekend of Earth Day, April 21 to 23.  Blodgett Peak will be one of those days.  Here are the details from Friends of Peregrine Parks:

3 Parks in 3 Days Event

To all of the Friends of Peregrine Parks and Open Spaces — The 3 Parks in 3 Days event is a multi-day, multi-park collaboration between the FoPP/OS, the Guardians of Palmer Park, and the Friends of Ute Valley.  The idea is to help create a community between the groups and get some awesome work accomplished at Blodgett Open Space, Palmer Park, and Ute Valley Park!  Same as last year, it will be held on International Earth Day weekend, Friday, April 21st, to Sunday, April 23rd.

Friday, April 21st, is the Blodgett Open Space volunteer day, in which we will be working to restore the conditions of Red Squirrel Trail by reestablishing the bench, tread, and critical edges. This area has been in dire need of work for several years due to both its usage and popularity and the ruggedness of the slopes around it.  Similar to last year, we are encouraging you to sign up for this and any other of the activities of that weekend that you can support. The time is 9:00 AM to 2:00 PM; meet at the Blodgett OS North parking lot.

You may recall that last year on Friday, we had a very successful trail-building and maintenance activity in the south areas of Blodgett, with over 40 people from across the community participating.

After the work day, the Guardians and Friends have set up a social event at Goat Patch Brewing off of Cascade for all to join!

You will need to sign up for these events using the Cervis website that we have used in the past.  The Cervis link for the Blodgett Open Space event on Friday the 21st is×3832

The Cervis link for the Ute Valley OS event on Sunday, the 23rd, is

(Sorry, I don’t yet have the Cervis link for the Palmer Park event on Saturday — will send it out to all as soon as I have it.)

Please send me an e-mail or give me a call if you have any questions.  We look forward to seeing you all there.!!

Gary Moring

President, Friends of Peregrine Parks/Open Spaces



Pine Beetle Damage and Mitigation

The Association recently discovered some dying and dead trees in the common area ridgeline along Orchard Valley Road, east of West Woodmen Road.  We had different vendors inspect the trees and noted they all had Ips beetle damage; several dead trees have already been removed. The Board of Directors has notified all neighboring communities (USFS, USAFA, Mt. Saint Francis, and the City Forestry Department).  We are working with an arborist to remove other dead trees and perform chemical treatments for about 400 existing trees in this common area tract. We strongly recommend everyone have their property inspected by an arborist and initiate a chemical treatment program if you are not already doing so.

Ips Beetle

Ips beetles, sometimes known as “engraver beetles,” are bark beetles that develop under the bark and tunnel through the tree, damaging and killing pine and spruce trees.  Two factors that contribute to Ips beetle problems in Colorado Springs include prolonged drought stress and the creation of freshly cut wood (preferred breeding site).  Ips beetles are 1/8 to 3/8-inch long and are reddish brown to black.  They are similar in appearance to the mountain pine beetle, and it is important to correctly identify the species in order to prescribe an effective management strategy.

Symptoms of Infestation

Mature Ips beetles enter trees and tunnel, producing yellowish or reddish-brown boring dust.  The dust accumulates in bark crevices or around the tree’s base, and the affected parts of the tree discolor and die.  Small round holes in the bark of infested trees indicate the beetles have completed development in that part of the tree and have exited.  The presence of woodpeckers, a common predator of the Ips beetle, may indicate infestation.  These symptoms are similar to mountain pine beetles.

Management Options

Logs infested with MPB larvae can be treated in various ways to kill developing beetles before they emerge as adults in summer.  For example:

  • To prevent attacks, use practices that promote vigorous tree growth.  Maintain health and ensure adequate water supply.
  • Remove all freshly cut materials from pruning or thinning trees, which attract Ips beetles.
  • Do not stack infested wood next to living trees.
  • Insecticides can prevent infestations but must be applied before an attack.


PMA Board of Directors Call for Volunteers

The three-year terms of several board members are scheduled to end in November of this year.  If you have the time and interest, this is a great way to serve your neighborhood.  Attending the monthly board meetings is a great way to learn the latest about PMA processes and initiatives.

Woodmen Roberts Elementary School Zone – Safety Reminder

Peregrine residents, as always, please be mindful of the school zone on Woodmen Rd as well as Orchard Path near and around Woodmen Roberts Elementary School.  While the amber school zone lights are flashing in the morning and in the afternoon, the speed limit is only 20 MPH.  The safety of those walking to and from school should be a priority for all neighbors.

Upcoming Event Dates/Information

April 5, 2023El Chapin Mexican food truck at Woodmen Valley Park from 6:00-8.30 PM!

April 8, 2023 – Peregrine Egg Hunt at Woodmen Valley Park.  Ages 0-7 will meet at 9:00 AM in the park.  Ages 8-12 at 9.30 AM along the ridge and hill behind the park.  Come enjoy some fun with the family.  Volunteers are still needed!

April 21-23, 2023Earth Day event with Friends of Peregrine Parks Group.  Details TBD.

August 11, 2023 –  Music in the Park from 6:00-8:00 PM with the Cari Dell Trio at Woodmen Valley Park.  Bring your family, chairs, and blankets to enjoy the music and food provided by food trucks.  More information to be released.

Nov 23, 2023 – The Peregrine Turkey Trot begins at 8.30 AM.  Assemble in the green area between WRE and the Tennis Courts.  Sign-up instructions, waivers, etc., will be issued later in the year.


Do you have suggestions for content? We would love your feedback!  Please contact Kristen Petersen with ideas.


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