Architectural Review Committee (ARC) Process

Architectural Review Committee (ARC) Process

Spring and summer are the most common times to begin home improvement projects. From new landscaping, deck upgrades, and exterior paint, the warmer temperatures inspire residents to tackle projects they’ve been thinking about all winter. If you have your list of spring improvements planned, submit your ideas to the Architectural Review Committee (ARC) for early approval.

The ARC is a committee comprised of the property manager, Derek Patterson, and community members that reviews changes to the exterior of the home or landscaping. This committee reviews requests that relate to items in our covenants. These items include, but are not limited to, house paint colors, decks, landscaping changes (including trees), play structures and sports equipment. On the HOA website, you will find information about the different types of items reviewed by the ARC and the location of these items in the covenants. To make the process easier for residents, the committee created an approval form that is available on the HOA website:

Architectural Review Committee Submittal Form

As a reference, here is an example form – EXAMPLE Submittal Form

Submitting this form with pictures of ideas, drawings, maps, or other items to describe the change or improvement is incredibly beneficial. Once this form is submitted, the committee reviews each request using the current covenants as a guide. After a review by the committee, a letter is sent to the homeowner that may include any changes or recommendations from the committee.

As members of our community, we all agreed to maintain our home’s appearance so it is consistent with the covenants and our general neighborhood plan. It’s exciting to update, create and re-imagine our homes! Start planning today for spring projects!

Kristen Petersen, Covenant Compliance Lead

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c/o Derek Patterson

3630 Sinton Road, #300

Colorado Springs, CO 80907

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