About the HOA

About Us

Vision : To sustain Peregrine as a premier mountainside community by working together with all residents to offer an inspiring lifestyle and preserve the beauty, safety, and value of our properties and neighborhoods.

Mission: Our mission is to preserve and enhance the quality of life and sense of community in Peregrine through effective and efficient management of the Association, reasonable and consistent enforcement of the rules and covenants to preserve property values, and ongoing support for initiatives and capital improvements that benefit the greater good of Peregrine residents.

Values: In all our activities to achieve our vision and mission we value integrity, fairness, consistent  direction and common sense, community participation, respect, cooperation and sense of community.

HOA Introduction

All residential property Owners within the Peregrine, Alpine Glen, The Village, The Sanctuary and La Bellezza community areas are Members of the Peregrine Master Association, Inc. (the “PMA”).  Membership is not voluntary; it is required of all residential property Owners.

The purpose of the PMA is to “govern the property by the provisions of the Covenants, Amendments, and Rules and Regulations” and to sustain and enhance the quality of life in the Peregrine community.  The PMA is currently governed by the Board of Directors (the “Board”) elected by the PMA members.


2025: $453/year per Lot.  All Owners pay the Association Assessment that is levied against ALL PMA residential properties.  The Association Assessment funds reserves for the long-term maintenance, repair and replacement of the Association Properties throughout the Community Area.  PMA operating costs related to administration, management, professional services, utilities (irrigation for Association Common Areas), insurance, covenant enforcement and the “Architectural Committee” are also funded by the Association Assessment.  The Assessment is based on the annual Association budget and will be billed annually in advance to all Owners. 

Owners have the option to pay the entire Assessment up front by January 1, or they may split the payment into two equal payments (first half due January 1, second half due July 1).

Sub-Association’s that pay a percentage of the Master Dues, must pay annually by January 1.  

  • The Association’s EOY financial reports for are available here:    2023 Financials

The Association has contracted trash and recycling services with Republic Services at a reduced rate (2025: $200/home for the year). Your services should automatically continue through the closing process on your property. If this fails to occur, contact the PMA’s accounting service, Balanced Bookkeeping, at (719) 593-9811 to obtain services.

The Peregrine community is serviced on Monday mornings. A 95-gallon toter for trash and a 65-gallon recycling toter are provided.  If you have service concerns or need to change the size/replace one of your toters, contact Balanced Bookkeeping at (719) 593-9811.


It is a Monday (normal schedule) and my garbage and/or recycling wasn’t picked up by 7 p.m. What should I do?

If your trash/recycling is not collected as scheduled on a Monday by 7 p.m., please bring your toters in for the evening and return them to the curb by 7 a.m. on Tuesday morning. The Association will typically send out a notification of any delay in service, so make sure to SUBSCRIBE to our Peregrine email list for the most updated information. 

If our pickup day falls on a holiday, will they still be coming to get my trash that day?

Republic works all holidays, but MAY NOT for the following:

Memorial Day

Independence Day

Labor Day


Christmas Day

New Year’s Day

If pickup falls on or after one of these holidays, our pickup will run one day later. For example, if the Christmas holiday is on a Monday, all pickups will be one day late: Monday on Tuesday, etc. If the holiday falls on a Saturday or Sunday, pickups for that week are NOT affected.

Peregrine experiences very high winds. What can I do to ensure my trash/recycling stays secure on collection day? 

On trash days, the winds cause additional challenges. In many areas, unsecured refuse and material is blowing across residential and common areas causing a blight to our neighborhood. We require our neighbors take the following actions:

  • Ensure all trash and recyclables are totally immersed in the cans.
  • Ensure lids are secured from blowing open. Bungee cords work well for this.
  • Put your address using decals on the toter. This helps getting them returned if they blow down the street.

Let’s work together and all do our part to eliminate trash from cluttering the beauty of Peregrine.

Peregrine Master Association is a covenant-controlled community.  Any building plans, architectural (i.e. paint colors, decks, roof, additions, or any other exterior changes to your home) or landscape changes must be approved by the Architectural Review Committee (ARC) prior to having any work done.

The Association’s Rules and Regulations contains many examples of common additions to properties. The ARC submittal form and an examples of how to make an application is also available.


Homeowners need to register their account to make electronic payments of the Association Assessment.  For online Assessment payments, please visit:


Most of the streets in the Peregrine community are maintained by the City of Colorado Springs.  For the City’s Street Division’s automated snowline of the current snow plow status please call 719-457-7669.  The city’s Streets Division will first plow Primary Routes, which are multi-lane roads with large volumes of traffic or hospital access.  Once the Primary Routes are passable, snow crew’s move on to Secondary Routes, which include school access and collector streets that serve as the main connections between neighborhoods and primary roads.  If there is continuous snowfall, the Primary Routes may have to be plowed more than once, which will delay the response on secondary streets.  Residential streets are only treated when at least 6 inches of snow accumulates, the primary and secondary routes have been cleared and the snow has stopped falling.

The perimeter sidewalk around W.Woodmen, connecting through Orchard Valley are plowed by PMA contractors.

Peregrine sub Associations, The Sanctuary, The Village and La Bellezza use private contractors to plow their streets. 

The Peregrine Master Association is required to have insurance coverage related to property, liability, and fidelity policies.  Individual residents should have their own HO 3 Policies (basic homeowner’s policy) or HO 4 Renters Policies.  For questions about the Association’s coverage, please contact Derek.

View Current Policy

The PMA Safety and Security Committee works to proactively ensure homeowners are aware and alert of neighborhood security concerns. Should a homeowner have an emergency, they should dial 911. To report all other crimes or if you have questions, please call the non-emergency phone number at 719-444-7000. This number is staffed 24 x 7.


The Association contracts private security patrols and extra duty police patrols. Advantage Security (719-634-6277) performs the private checks looking for overnight parking violations, city street lights that are out, damaged city street signs, vandalism, filing sign lighting, dead wildlife, etc. They are not armed and drive vehicles with their business name on the side.

The extra duty patrols can be a mix of CSPD and Sheriff officers who volunteer to sign up for patrols.  The officers are armed, on-duty and are in marked vehicles. They perform mobile and static patrols, monitor for speed and other violations.

The Peregrine Master Association Annual Membership Meeting will be held in November each year. This year’s Annual Meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, November 12. The meeting may be held at the Woodmen Roberts Elementary School – gymnasium (TBD) Registration begins at 5:30; the meeting starts at 6:00. 

2024 Annual Notice

Vote by Proxy Form

The PMA invests annually in a wide array of social activities. Some of the activities include: summer concerts in the park, a community egg hunt, Thanksgiving turkey trot and a garage sale. Activities are listed on this website in Community Programs and Events page. Watch for special newsletters and email communications prior to all the events.


Going to the Mountains is Going Home -John Muir

A Community that enjoys mountainside living

Sub Associations

The Sanctuary at Peregrine HOA

This community consists of 59 homes located off of Orchard Valley Road. The sanctuary at peregrine

Contact Information

Connie Matthews


(719) 260-4548

8610 Explorer Dr., Ste. 130
Colorado Springs, CO  80920

La Bellezza at Peregrine HOA

This community consists of 47 private homes located near the intersection of West Woodmen Road and Dutchrock Road.

Contact Information

Katie Young

Community Manager


(719) 260-4548

8610 Explorer Drive, Suite 130
Colorado Springs, CO  80920

The Village at Peregrine HOA

This community consists of 49 homes located on the eastern entrance of Peregrine near the intersection of West Woodmen Road and Orchard Valley Road.

Contact Information

Alison Graff


(719) 653-3001

1720 Jet Stream Drive, Suite 200
Colorado Springs, CO 80921

Meet the Board of Directors

Get to know the Board of Directors, their experience, and their functional areas. This combination of talent is transforming the PMA by sharpening it’s focus on changing neighborhood demographics, the maturity of Peregrine’s infrastructure and the demands of sustaining our premier mountainside community.  


Tom Keating


Functional Lead:
Covenant Compliance
Term: 2025
Fulton Family

David Fulton


Functional Lead:
Budgeting & Finance
Term: 2026
Lynne Head Shot - 1920 tiny

Lynne Zuluaga

Director at Large

Functional Lead:
Community Events
Term: 2027
Helton Family

Brad Helton

Vice President

Functional Lead:
Infrastructure & Landscaping
Term: 2026
Garcia Family

Steven Garcia

Director at Large

Functional Lead:
Safety & Security / Communications
Term: 2026

Board Meetings

Board Meetings are typically held on the second Wednesday of each month at 6:00 p.m. Board Meetings are held at Fire Station 18 at 6830 Hadler View, behind Walgreens near the intersection of Centennial Blvd and Flying W Ranch Road. For 2025 the Board Meetings are tentatively scheduled for: Feb 12 (by Zoom), Mar. 12, Apr. 9, May 14, June 11, July 9, Aug. 13, and Sept. 10. Please verify the meeting time/date for all months. The Annual Budget Meeting will be held on Wednesday, Oct. 8, following the monthly board meeting. The Annual Membership Meeting will be held on Wednesday, Nov. 12, at 6 p.m.

Meeting Minutes