Peregrine Newsletter – September 2023

Peregrine Newsletter – September 2023

Peregrine Master Association
Fall 2023 Newsletter

Welcome to the Peregrine quarterly newsletter! It has been a busy summer in the neighborhood, and we were excited to see so many residents enjoy our summer events. As fall ushers in the cooler weather, we still have a couple more food truck nights planned. Don’t miss the fun (and easy dinner options) available at Woodmen Valley Park! As always, the Board looks forward to meeting residents and hearing your ideas. We are currently in need of volunteers to serve on various committees or to help with events. Please contact any board member if you are interested in getting involved and supporting your neighborhood.

Upcoming Event Dates/Information

Sept. 20 – Solsage food truck will serve food from 6-8.30 p.m. at Woodmen Valley Park. Don’t miss the great weather and food!

Sept. 13 – PMA Board Meeting, Fire Station 18, 6 p.m.

Sept. 15 – PMA Board applications sent to the community

Sept. 29 – PMA Board Member applications due

Oct. 11 – PMA Budget Meeting, Fire Station 18, 6 p.m.

Oct. 18 – Crazy Pig BBQ will serve food from 6-8.30 p.m. at Woodmen Valley Park. This is the last food truck of 2023!

Nov. 15 – PMA Annual Meeting and Elections, Auditorium at Mt. St. Francis, 6 p.m.

Nov. 23 – Annual Peregrine Turkey Trot meets at 8:30 a.m. The event commences at 8:45 a.m., and routes will be issued closer to the date.

PMA Board of Directors Call for Volunteers

The three-year terms of several board members are scheduled to end in November of this year.  If you have the time and interest, this is a great way to serve your neighborhood. Learning the latest about PMA processes and initiatives can be accomplished by attending the monthly board meetings. Applications will be sent out to the community on Sept. 15 and are due Sept. 29.

Peregrine Master Association Budget Meeting

Each year, the Peregrine Board presents the budget to our community. We invite you to attend our HOA budget meeting on Wednesday, Oct. 11, at 6 p.m. at Fire Station 18 to learn about our 2024 priorities. The budget will also be mailed to all homeowners for review.

Peregrine Annual Meeting in November

The Peregrine Master Association will hold its annual meeting and elections on Wednesday, Nov. 15, at 6 p.m. at the Auditorium at Mt. St. Francis. The meeting will feature a discussion of the year’s activities, plans for the upcoming year, and guest speakers on various community-related topics. Everyone in the neighborhood is invited to attend. Prior to the meeting, each home will receive a ballot to elect board members for the three-year term for 2023-2026. Meet your neighbors and learn more about your community by attending.

Neighborhood Watch Program

The Neighborhood Watch Program offers an opportunity to connect with your neighbors and learn what is happening in our neighborhood and around other areas of Colorado Springs. It is also a way you can participate in keeping CSPD informed of negative activity in our community. All neighbors are invited to participate! Resident Jeff Scharf is our Neighborhood Watch Coordinator. Please contact Jeff at to add your name to the list and begin attending meetings and events.

CSPD Officer Chris Ausec Presents at HOA July Meeting

Several residents attended the July HOA meeting to hear CSPD Officer Chris Ausec discuss the Neighborhood Watch Program, crime statistics in Colorado Springs, and neighborhood crime statistics. He also discussed techniques to stay safe at your home and the importance of contacting CSPD whenever an issue occurs.

Officer Ausec said that Peregrine has one of the lowest crime rates in the City. He discussed the use of crime maps that show various types of crime and where each occurred ( The crime map is updated regularly and can be viewed by any city resident to determine the type of crime occurring in their areas. Residents discussed various concerns, including street racing on upper W. Woodmen Road, drug use near or in parking areas of Blodgett Open Space, and other similar activities. Officer Ausec urged residents to call in anything they saw so that the calls could be logged. The department creates general policing routes based generally on call logs.

Officer Ausec also pointed out the numerous things the neighborhood has done to reduce crime, including paying for off-duty patrols, installing the Flock camera system, and working with the City to install gates at the entrances to the parking lots of Blodgett Open Space. He also urged neighbors to be vigilant in their reporting and participate in Neighborhood Watch.

Fire Mitigation and CSFD Chipping Program

For the past two years, Peregrine has had two chipping opportunities each year from CSFD. Residents have taken this excellent opportunity to remove dead tree limbs and slash them from their properties. The success of the program is marked by the continued growth in the number of homes participating during the two opportunities. In August, CSFD removed another round of residential tree limbs from Peregrine properties.

The HOA has budgeted $10,000 for mitigation on its 72 acres of property for the year. We are also investigating matching funds from CSFD that provide more funding for more mitigation in our community. Areas are currently being identified for this year’s mitigation, along with discussions about matching funds with CSFD. Areas of particular need are those that are near residences, have not been mitigated for some time, or have several dead or partially dead trees.

Snow Removal Reminder

As we await our first snow, this is a reminder that residents are responsible for snow removal on the sidewalks on their property. Snow must be removed within 24 hours after the snow stops. If you live on a corner lot or own property up to a sidewalk behind your home, you are also responsible for the sidewalk on the corner and behind your home. This is a city ordinance, but it is also included in our governing documents (and it’s just the neighborly thing to do). If you cannot clear your sidewalk due to illness or other factors, please contact Derek Patterson at and let him know.

Blodgett Open Space Master Planning Meetings

The first public Blodgett Open Space working meeting was held at the end of August at Flying W Ranch. Several residents attended to provide their feedback to the Colorado Springs Parks Department about potential expansion plans and uses of the new park land. If you did not have an opportunity to attend but would like to provide input and follow the process, please refer to

There will be other opportunities for the community to engage in the process, including a second community work session on Oct. 19 from 5:30 – 8 p.m. at Flying W Ranch. More information will be announced soon, along with a new survey on the website.

Our community has a few members serving on the Site Action Committee (SAC), one being Peregrine Master Association President Kristen Petersen If you have comments or suggestions for the space, please contact Kristen or others on the SAC to give feedback as well.

Friends of Peregrine Parks

If you enjoy the gift of our three neighborhood parks, please consider joining the Friends of Peregrine Parks group. This community group meets periodically in the winter and every other week in the summer to coordinate and complete work in our Peregrine parks. As a liaison group with the Colorado Springs Parks Department, the Friends group works closely with park rangers to determine needs and organize work dates. Your membership and help in this organization are vital to sustaining our beautiful parks. Please contact Gary Moring at 

Do you have suggestions for content? We would love your feedback!  Please contact Kristen Petersen with ideas.


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3630 Sinton Road, #300

Colorado Springs, CO 80907

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