Improved Traffic Safety for Peregrine

Improved Traffic Safety for Peregrine

Improved Traffic Safety for Peregrine

Dear Residents of Peregrine:

After many months/years of discussion with the City, the PMA Board of Directors is pleased to announce planned traffic safety improvements to Peregrine and neighboring streets.  These improvements are a result of our recent meeting with Ms. Kathleen Krager, Manager of the Colorado Springs Traffic Engineering Department, and are as follows:

  • Installation of “three-all-way stops” at both ends of Orchard Valley and one on Centennial from Allegheny Drive to Centennial Glen.  Each of these stops will include a painted pedestrian crosswalk, and additional signage.  This work will be complete later this Fall.
  • Reduction of the W. Woodmen Road speed limit to 35 mph from east of the W. Woodmen/Orchard Valley junction, all the way through to Edenderry (except for the school).  This includes painting and rearranging road markings to help “guide” the traffic and generally slow it down.  This work will be done in early spring 2019.

The population of Peregrine and the number of cars on our streets has doubled in the last decade.  Many residents have raised concerns that speeding vehicles and distracted drivers of all ages could result in potentially serious injuries and possible fatalities.  Just last week, the Gazette reported that 50 pedestrians have been killed in Colorado Springs in the last six years.  In addition, speeding motor vehicles and motorcycles are a persistent issue for our community.  Given this situation, your PMA Board of Directors strongly believes the improvements described above will make our streets safer and protect our residents.   Will they extend your journey time?  YES!  Traffic engineering statistics indicate travel time will be increased, on average, by 6 seconds; however, this is a small price to pay for a safer community.

In summary, we are most grateful for this “across-Peregrine” team effort and the support from Dan Burich (The Sanctuary), representatives from Centennial Glen, and Councilman Don Knight.  Together, we succeeded in obtaining positive steps by the City to make Peregrine safer in the very near future.

Rich Poturalski

Your Peregrine Safety and Security Committee
“Always Be: Peregrine Safe / Peregrine Secure”

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