Peregrine Newsletter – August 2021
Welcome to our August 2021 Peregrine Newsletter! Our goal is to provide general neighborhood information and updates that will help build our Peregrine community.
In this newsletter you will find:
– Peregrine Tree Celebration – August 11 Tree Hike
– Community Event – August 20 Music in the Park
– Safety & Security Tips – CSPD’s 9PM Routine
– Fire Mitigation – September 20 – CSFD Chipping Event
– Peregrine Aware – Noxious weeds
– Board Meeting Information – August meeting info
– Upcoming Important Dates
You can find further information on our Peregrine Master Association website.
Check us out socially on Instagram and Facebook.
Peregrine Tree Celebration
Tree Hike – Wednesday, August 11 @ 10am
Join your friends and neighbors on a hike through Mt. Saint Francis on Wednesday, Aug. 11 from 10-11:30 a.m. Lead by Peregrine’s Landscaping and Infrastructure Committee, this hike explores the variety and history of trees at Mt. Saint Francis. Please meet in the parking lot outside of the Auditorium (7550 Assisi Heights).
This hike is part of the Peregrine Tree Celebration, which coincides with the 150th anniversary of the City of Colorado Springs. You can participate in our Peregrine Tree Celebration by planting a tree in your yard using an expedited tree approval process and by attending one of several neighborhood tree-related events. Learn more here: Peregrine’s Community Tree Planting Program | Peregrine HOA. We look forward to seeing you!
Peregrine’s Tree Hike Series:
August 11 – Mt. Saint Francis Hike – 10am
September 4 – Blodgett Peak Open Space Hike – 10am
Peregrine Community Event
Music in the Park – Friday, August 20 @ 6:30pm
Peregrine’s Music in the Park promises to be the go-to event of the summer. Enjoy an evening with family and friends while dancing to live music and enjoying dinner and dessert from participating food trucks.
Music – We are excited to welcome one of the most talented bands on the Front Range, The Cari Dell Trio. This band has entertained local audiences for many years and their music will entice you to show off your dance moves!
Food Trucks – You can purchase dinner from the many local food trucks scheduled for this event. They will arrive as early as 5:45pm and will continue serving throughout the evening. Enjoy Mile High BBQ, Rocco’s Italian, Lucy I’m Home (Cuban cuisine), and desserts from The Meltdown Ice Cream truck.
For Kids – Kids will enjoy face painting and balloon twisting. As an added treat, we also welcome our very special guests from CSFD and CSPD who will have a fire truck and police cruiser onsite, if available.
Return to visiting with friends and neighbors at Peregrine’s Music in the Park on Friday, August 20!
Bring a chair and we will see you there!
CSPD’s 9PM Routine
CSPD Launches a new Crime Prevention Program
Did you see CSPD’s social media posts about the 9 PM Routine? This is CSPD’s public-service reminder to help prevent crimes of opportunity and serves as a reminder to community members to lock their doors, bring valuables inside, turn exterior lights on, and more. The intent is to provide simple and effective tips to keep people and their property safe, as well as reduce the likelihood of community members falling victim to property crimes. And hopefully, this routine will become a daily habit for community members.
“This campaign is a small action that has the potential to bring impactful and lasting change to our community. We hope that community members take part in the 9 PM Routine and adopt these safety steps into their daily lives in order to better protect themselves, their property, and their families,” said CSPD Chief Vince Niski. “Additionally, we hope this campaign also brings awareness to the community and provides valuable education and community engagement,” Niski adds.
The CSPD also encourages community members to interact with these posts by using the hashtag #9PMRoutine or letting them know on their posts that you took part in this community safety effort.
Let’s all work together to keep Peregrine Safe and Secure!
Fire Mitigation / Neighborhood Chipping Event
Register NOW for the September 20 Chipping Event
Did you know that Peregrine is a Firewise USA Community? This means we have been recognized as a community within Colorado Springs that has made a commitment to adapt and live with wildfire by encouraging neighbors to work together to take action to reduce wildfire risk. The benefits of being a Firewise Community are: Reducing wildfire risk to our property and our community, working together with neighbors, building strong collaborative relationships, and for members of USAA, deductions in homeowner’s insurance costs in certain states. We can all work together to keep Peregrine safe.
The Colorado Springs Fire Department will be offering Peregrine a second chipping event this year. The second and final event of this year will be the week of September 20th.
To participate, you must meet certain requirements and follow the guidelines set forth by CSFD. To learn about these requirements and to register your address, go to Neighborhood Chipping Program.
If you are unsure of what wildfire issues to look for or how to participate in the chipping program, please call Adam Wisely with the Colorado Springs Fire Department at 719-385-7368. They are willing to set an appointment for a free onsite consultation. This is a great service to consider to make sure you are following the guidelines and to ensure they are able to collect your chipping piles.
Check out our recent blog post on Spring Fire Mitigation and Tips.
Peregrine Aware
Mitigating Noxious Weeds
Noxious weeds are invasive and a threat to the beauty of residential and common area landscapes across Peregrine. The top three that need ongoing attention are the Common Mullein, Canada Thistle and Diffuse Knapweed. All three of these weeds will multiply by the thousands, spreading across your and neighboring yards, parks and common areas. Over the last few years we have been somewhat successful in slowing the invasion of the Common Mullein and Canada Thistle, but the Diffuse Knapweed is quickly becoming the most widespread of these noxious weeds. Learn more here on how you can identify and eradicate these weeds: Noxious Weeds / Peregrine HOA.
We’re all responsible for our own yards. Rules and Regulations, Lawn Care and Landscape maintenance (page 19): The minimum maintenance requirements include…the elimination of noxious and other weeds and undesirable grasses on the Lot to include the joints at the street and sidewalk areas.
Thank you for helping to keep Peregrine beautiful!
Peregrine Master Association Board Meeting
THIS Wednesday, August 11 @ 6pm
This meeting will be held at Fire Station 18 – 6830 Hadler View.Agenda was emailed and posted on our Board Meeting page.
Upcoming Dates/Information
August & September Events
– August 11 – Mt. Saint Francis Family Tree Hike – 10am
– August 11 – Board Meeting – 6pm – Fire Station 18 Meeting Room
– August 20 – Music in the Park – 6:30-8:30pm
– September 4 – Blodgett Open Space Family Tree Hike – 10am
– September 8 – Board Meeting – 6pm – Fire Station 18 Meeting Room
– September 20 (week of) – CSFD Chipping Event
– September 25 – Family Scavenger Hunt
If you have suggestions or want to help, please email Michelle McArthur, our Community Projects/Events Committee Chair.